How Does VO Work? Helping You Slash Energy Bills and Emissions

Are you tired of watching your business’s energy bills soar? Have you tried every trick in the book – smart meters, energy-efficient equipment, even switching suppliers – but still see no relief? It’s time to unlock the hidden potential of Voltage Optimisation. This proven energy-saving technology is the game-changer you’ve been searching for. Let’s dive into what it is and how it can transform your business’s energy consumption.

  • A cutting-edge solution for businesses seeking to reduce energy costs and boost efficiency.
  • Delivers significant cost savings, substantial energy reductions, extended equipment lifespan, and a positive environmental impact.
  • Trusted by industry leaders like Kellogg’s, IKEA, Holiday Inn, ASDA, and many more.

What is Voltage Optimisation?

Voltage Optimisation is the process of fine-tuning your incoming power supply to the ideal voltage for your business’s specific needs. It ensures that your appliances, machinery, and electrical equipment operate at their peak efficiency.

How Does it Work?

Most UK equipment is designed to operate efficiently at 220-230 volts. However, the electricity supplied by the grid can often be much higher, sometimes reaching up to 253 volts. This excess voltage is wasted energy that you’re paying for but not utilising.

Voltage Optimisers act as intelligent regulators, optimising the voltage levels to match the actual requirements of your equipment. This results in reduced energy consumption, lower energy bills, decreased carbon emissions, and a longer lifespan for your electrical equipment. It’s a simple yet powerful solution.

    The Benefits of Voltage Optimisation for Businesses

    Voltage Optimisation offers a multitude of benefits, making it a compelling investment for any forward-thinking business.

    1. Significant Cost Savings: Voltage Optimisation can reduce your energy consumption by up to 19%, leading to substantial savings on your electricity bills. It’s a cost-effective solution with a typical payback period of just 18 months.
    2. Hassle-Free Operation: Once installed, Voltage Optimisation requires minimal maintenance. It’s a ‘fit-and-forget’ technology that works tirelessly in the background, delivering continuous energy savings without any additional effort on your part.
    3. Proven and Reliable Technology: With over 20,000 successful installations worldwide, including major organisations like ASDA, IKEA, and Kellogg’s, Voltage Optimisation is a proven and reliable technology.
    4. Extended Equipment Lifespan: Excess voltage can cause overheating and premature wear and tear on your electrical equipment. Voltage Optimisation not only saves energy but also protects and extends the lifespan of your appliances, reducing the need for frequent replacements and lowering maintenance costs. It also complements other renewable energy solutions like solar power, further enhancing your sustainability efforts.
    5. Sustainability and Positive PR: By reducing energy consumption, Voltage Optimisation significantly decreases your carbon footprint. This helps you meet environmental targets and regulations, demonstrating your commitment to sustainability. It’s also a great story to share with your customers and stakeholders, enhancing your brand reputation and attracting environmentally conscious investors.

    Is Voltage Optimisation Worth It? Real-World Results

    Industry leaders like Kellogg’s have achieved remarkable results with Voltage Optimisation. Their success stories highlight the tangible benefits of this technology.

    Kellogg’s Achieves £80,000 in Savings with OPTISAVE and a 10-Month Payback

    Kellogg’s, driven by their sustainability goals, sought an effective solution to optimise energy usage across their facilities. Zeron provided a tailored solution with bespoke OPTISAVE optimisers, resulting in substantial savings, including an £80,452 yearly energy cost reduction, a 10-month payback period, and annual savings of 463,176 KWhrs. This collaboration showcases the power of Voltage Optimisation in driving both financial and environmental benefits.

      Proven Quality, Certified Excellence: Invest in OPTISAVE Voltage Optimisers

      Voltage Optimisation is a smart investment for businesses looking to save money, reduce their carbon footprint, and improve operational efficiency. Our OPTISAVE voltage optimisers are renowned for their superior quality and ISO-certified excellence. As the pioneers of Voltage Optimisation in the UK, we are the leading provider of cutting-edge solutions.

        Embrace the Future of Energy Efficiency

        In the quest for energy efficiency and sustainability, voltage optimisation emerges as a crucial ally. Technologies like VO aren’t just complementary to solar PV and other renewable generation methods; they’re essential companions, paving the way for a greener, more efficient world. 

        See our products for more information

        Call us to discuss your specific needs: +44 114 293 9935

        Estimate your potential savings with OPTISAVE with our simple savings calculator

        Become a Zeron Partner

        Zeron. More power to the planet. 

        A Collaborative Approach to Sustainability 

        Contrary to popular belief, integrating VO doesn’t mean you can ditch other energy-saving technologies. In fact, it enhances their effectiveness. VO works hand-in-hand with renewables, safeguarding your equipment and boosting renewable energy coverage. 

        This collaboration between VO and renewables is key to maximising your sustainability efforts. It provides schools, organisations, and communities with a solid foundation for building a greener future.


        In the quest for energy efficiency and sustainability, voltage optimisation emerges as a crucial ally. Technologies like VO aren’t just complementary to solar PV and other renewable generation methods; they’re essential companions, paving the way for a greener, more efficient world. 

        Zeron. More power to the planet. 

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