The Supermarket Sweep: How VO Can Boost Your Bottom Line and the Planet 


In the fast-paced world of supermarket retail, balancing efficiency and sustainability is no easy feat. But voltage optimisation (VO) can be a game-changer. 

At Zeron, we’ve partnered with our resellers to design VO solutions for supermarket giants like ASDA and Sainsbury’s, and the results speak for themselves. 

In this article, we’ll explore how embracing voltage optimisation can empower your supermarket retailer clients to slash energy usage, champion sustainability, and gain a competitive edge. 


Understanding Voltage Optimisation: The Basics 

If you’re wondering what voltage optimisation is all about, here’s a quick explanation: 

Electrical equipment in the UK is designed to run on 220 volts. However, the National Grid supplies fluctuating voltage levels, sometimes reaching up to 253 volts. 

A voltage optimiser dynamically adjusts this incoming voltage to match the optimal level required by the connected equipment, eliminating wasted energy. 


Benefits of Voltage Optimisation for Supermarket Retailers 

  • Reduces Energy Consumption and Saves Money: One of the biggest wins for supermarket retailers is reduced energy consumption. By optimising voltage levels to precisely match the needs of in-store and warehouse equipment, unnecessary energy waste is minimised. This translates to significant savings on energy bills over time. Sainsbury’s, for example, achieved a remarkable 25.4% reduction in energy usage with eco-max technology, a figure independently verified by RWE.    
  • Lowers Environmental Impact: Lower energy consumption isn’t just about cost savings; it’s about shrinking your carbon footprint. Supermarkets can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability by implementing energy-efficient technologies like voltage optimisation, resonating with eco-conscious shoppers.    
  • Improved Equipment Lifespan: Voltage fluctuations can gradually wear down electrical equipment. By stabilising the voltage supply within the optimal range, you can extend the lifespan of your equipment. This means fewer maintenance costs and less downtime due to equipment failures. 
  • Aligns with ESG Goals: Like many industries, food retailers face comprehensive sustainability performance criteria. ASDA, for instance, aims to be net zero by 2040. Voltage optimisation is already helping them on this journey. After installing a bespoke VO system in their UK distribution centres, they reduced their energy usage hugely, saving money and carbon in the process. 
  • Minimal Disruption: Unlike other renewable technologies, installing VO and seeing results can happen in a matter of months. We’ll work with you to design a tailored solution that can be fitted at a time and in a way that minimises disruption to your client’s operations. 


Zeron Case Study 

A leading British supermarket approached us to install voltage optimisation technology in 4,000 of their stores. They had a bold climate change plan to reduce their carbon emissions by 50% by 2025. 

We analysed their energy data and designed a bespoke system, rigorously tested to ensure optimal performance. The initial phase one rollout, covering 64 sites, was completed in just eight weeks. 

The results from this first phase were remarkable: 

  • 7% energy reduction across the estate 
  • £200,857 reduction in annual energy costs 
  • 315,560 tonnes of carbon saved 

Our resellers have access to a range of case studies, including those from retailers like ASDA and Sainsbury’s, to showcase the potential savings that can be achieved. 


Partner with Zeron 

Voltage optimisation is a cutting-edge technology that offers supermarket retailers a comprehensive solution to reduce energy costs, enhance equipment reliability, and demonstrate environmental responsibility. 

If you’re interested in becoming a Zeron Partner and showcasing the benefits of voltage optimisation to your retail clients, get in touch. 

Visit our partner page to learn more about our partner program and the comprehensive support we offer:  


Zeron. More power to the planet. 


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